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888.606.2263 (BAND)

oBand® provides one of the safest and most minimally invasive procedures available to their patients. Utilizing only FDA approved products such as Apollo Endosurgery’s Lap-Band and Johnson & Johnson’s Realize BAND, oBand® goes beyond the standard requirements to bring the patient a lasting positive experience.

After initial contact is made, oBand® will provide an informational seminar to educate you and then schedule a personal consultation to help determine if you are a proper candidate. After getting the clearances and the insurance authorized or financing in place, we can then move on to the pre-op phase to get you ready for your surgery. The actual surgery itself is a safe, outpatient procedure that takes about an hour to perform.

The Gastric Band — LAP-BAND® or REALIZE BAND

The gastric band is a restrictive procedure, designed for maximum safety and minimal invasiveness. The medical device implanted is an adjustable band made of a hollow silicone ring, with pockets of saline solution along the inner surface. In most cases, the LAP-BAND® or Realize band is placed laparoscopically, under general anesthesia. After making tiny incisions in the abdominal wall, the surgeon uses thin surgical tools and camera to wrap the band around the top part of the stomach and lock it securely in place. This procedure requires very small incisions compared to other bariatric surgeries, which makes for much shorter recovery time.

Adjustments to the band are made by increasing or decreasing the amount of saline solution within the inner portion of the band. The band is connected to a tube, which in turn is connected to an access port that sits right underneath the skin. A tiny needle is placed through the skin and into the access port to make this adjustment. In addition to being adjustable, the gastric band is also completely reversible.

The only bariatric surgery performed at oBand® centers is the placement of gastric bands. However, oBand® is not only a surgical facility specializing in gastric band placement, but also a facility that provides comprehensive patient support before, during and after care. Our dedication is to you the patient; it starts before you get into the operating room and doesn’t stop when you leave the operating room. To ensure the greatest long-term success, oBand® has professionals waiting to help you through the life adjustments that come with the territory, like changing eating habits and increasing activity levels. Remember, the oBand® procedure is not just the insertion of a LAP-BAND®. oBand® goes beyond standard requirements to provide a comprehensive program designed to help you reach milestones, achieve your goals, and maintain a long-lasting positive life change.

Our minimally invasive, state-of-the-art surgical approach to weight and wellness provides superior results to our Gastric Sleeve patients.The sleeve procedure is a highly sought after form of bariatric surgery. Recent research has tracked the success of this procedure that is designed to reduce the size of a patients stomach by 80-85%. This procedure is less invasive than a conventional gastric bypass procedure. The stomach is constricted with the use of surgical staples. These will be placed with the help of the small incisions. The shape of the stomach is changed but the organ retains its natural function. After the incisions are closed the patient is taken to recovery. A patient receiving a gastric sleeve procedure should anticipate pain and tenderness near the surgical site for 1-2 days following the operation. This surgery is irreversible and will require that patients watch their diets closely. Since the reduced stomach size can affect the absorption of necessary vitamins and minerals it may be necessary to take supplements for an extended period.

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