Leadership in Weight Loss Solutions

Live Healthy Ever After

888.606.2263 (BAND)

Patient Testimonials

Our Patient’s Success Stories

Joe Grande

“Dr Carson Liu was my doctor. I have lost 25 pounds in only 3 weeks after my surgery. And I went to the Dr. Yesterday, and they pulled me off my diabetes medicine. That is the best part yet. I did the surgery with hopes of getting rid of my diabetes. After my mom died at age 52 and father at 59 due to diabetes I wanted to make sure I lived a longer healthier life. And in just 3 weeks after the operation I am off my medication! My energy level has increased so much. I have been at the gym doing 50 min of cardio when I only used to do 20 to 30min.”


September 5th, 2003 marked the turning point in my life along with the day of my LAP-BAND® surgery. Prior to surgery I weighed 390 pounds. I had problems walking, sleeping and life was miserable. I tried everything to loose weight but long term success eluded me as the yo- yo effect saw a continued steady weight gain. I found Dr. Owens via the internet after researching local hospitals. His web site is awesome and explains everything. I attended the seminar then scheduled the required office visits. Blue Cross approved me for either procedure the LAP-BAND® or Bypass. I own my own business and was concerned about down time so I elected for the LAP-BAND®. I had the surgery on a Friday and was back at work Monday (typically more rest is recommended) feeling great. Weight loss was steady as I learned how to use my new tool. As of this writing I am down to 260 and have been stable for months. I am now able to return to past activities such as Kayaking and bicycle riding. I feel great and as my body continues to change and improve I will always remain grateful to Dr. Owens for helping me regain my life.


“Dr. Owens truly saved my life. I have no doubt that the results of being morbidly obese would have ended my life. I had LAP-BAND® surgery on June 24th 2004, at the time I weighed 276 lbs…I have an ankle fusion and knee problems so the weight really caused great pain. I am currently 180lbs!!!!! I went from a size 26-28 to a current size of 14 and I am still losing. Since the weight loss I have so much energy and the joint pain has disappeared. Dr. Owens and his staff are wonderful, I have been seen at all 3 clinics, San Pedro, Chapman, and Alvarado. I have only great things to say about Dr. Owens as well as his staff. From reception to insurance as well as nursing his staff are professional and caring. Knowledgeable staff definitely makes the difference.”

Julie R.

I walked into the support group that day not knowing what to expect. I was invited to come and just meet some people who had gastric by-pass and lap-bands. It was my first meeting with Dr. Liu. I instantly felt comfortable, and set up an appointment with him in his office. Shortly thereafter, I was sitting with Dr. Liu in his office. He asked me several questions, and answered many of mine. We both agreed that my best choice for weight loss surgery would be the lap-band. I scheduled my surgery date. Two months later I was in an operating room, knowing my future would be different from that day on. The surgery was 40 minutes or so. I recovered, and was back to work in no time. Over the course of two years, I have lost 110#. My life has changed in so many ways. I no longer have to think about not fitting into a booth at a restaurant. I don’t worry about being the fattest person at every social event I attend. People look me in the eye instead of looking down when I walk by. My life does not revolve around food. When I see people overweight, I become sad, because I know their lives can be changed with a one little non-invasive surgery. The pain of suffering alone by being overweight can be dissolved. I have a friend who had gastric by-pass surgery one month after I got my lap-band. She has been at a plateau for over a year (still needing to lose 40 additional pounds), and has now considered getting the lap-band. Gastric by-pass is “quick weight loss”, and the lap band is slower for weight loss. But slow and steady wins the race. I will never be fat again. My stomach cannot stretch back out. Dr. Liu and his staff are nonjudgmental, kind, supportive and loving. I have not had one regret of having this surgery, and I pray everyone who needs to lose a lot of weight, will find a way to have this surgery. I did. Dr. Liu, thank you for everything.
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