Leadership in Weight Loss Solutions

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888.606.2263 (BAND)

Lap Band Insurance and Financing Information

Unfortunately, not every insurance carrier will cover bariatric surgery. Even when they do, there are still strict guidelines that must be followed before they will provide coverage. oBand® will help in this process with their experience and expertise in submitting prior request authorization packages and getting administrative answers in a timely and efficient manner. If you meet the requirements, the oBand® multispecialty team will fight to establish that significant weight loss is medically necessary and surgery is your only option.

Having the bariatric surgery covered by insurance is a determining factor for most patients. Therefore, in the event coverage is not initially offered, oBand® will continue to present your case if you are a candidate with extenuating circumstances. oBand® will initiate an appeals process on your behalf so that the insurance company takes one more look.

Free Finance Evaluation

oBand® is committed to providing the strongest LAP-BAND® bariatric program. We realize that the LAP-BAND® procedure, while an excellent investment in your health and future, can also be a daunting one without insurance. It remains a significant expenditure, even for relatively well-to-do households. If insurance is not an option, oBand® has financing options available for you to choose from. Please contact us to find out more.

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